Cycles of Creation and Transformation

Practitioner and Personal Development Training

A Course for women.

Dawn Russell and Lorraine Grayston

Shamanism is an ancient way of awareness, an awareness of energy, of consciousness. It is a way of life that recognises that all things are deeply and intimately connected, not just on the Earth but throughout the cosmos. Shaman is a term used to describe the practices of indigenous people from all over the world who were and are the healers within their community i.e. the Medicine People, the Witches, the Shamans. These people are in tune with the Earth and know how to touch the soul in everything in order to keep a healthy balance within each individual and therefore within the community. For people who live with a shamanic consciousness there is no separation between daily life and Spirit, they know that all things are connected and disconnection equals dis-ease. Although our modern times seem very far removed from the experience of indigenous people the needs and expression of the human soul is still the same in its desire for connection -love, community and creativity.

The word Medicine is derived from the Latin aris medicina, meaning the art of healing and well-being. Each Medicine person has a unique way to facilitate healing, well-being and connection for themselves and others. You will be encouraged to explore your unique way.

The Wheel is a central building block of nature, which recognises that all things move in cycles. It is the cycle of life flowing through all aspects of existence. The Medicine Wheel is an ancient concept created from aboriginal peoples around the world that helps the individual and the collective to explore the vastness of self and the cosmos.

Each weekend we will work with an aspect of the Medicine Wheel teachings, exploring these places within and around us. We will look at how we have embodied archetypal aspects of life, how they play through us, and our interaction with and relationship to them. We will use expanded states of consciousness including the shamanic journey and listening deeply to explore deeper places within us and within our connection to life.

In-between the meetings we will offer a home practice to help you stay connected and begin to integrate the teachings into everyday life.

In the exploration of this work you will get a deeper sense of what makes you move naturally (i.e. your nature) as well as how your challenges in life have determined how you act (or more precisely re-enact old stories!) in the world.

You will be invited to explore your relationship with the elements and their archetypal aspects, the cardinal energies of Earth, Air, Fire and Water and their translation and impact upon your psyche and ways of being in the world. These are the fixed energies. You will also work with the non-cardinal energies, the movers – the Dreamweavers, the Architects of harmony, the play of the Primal duality of the Masculine and Feminine and the movement of Ancestral energies and Wisdom.

You will be guided to embody and awaken the Medicine Wheel within you…..

You will learn how to hold these energies within a ceremonial Medicine Wheel of transformation both for yourself and for others. When any personal growth/exploration is held within a dynamic, alive space, transformation happens!

This course is for anyone who wishes to explore life, well-being and their interaction with it and maybe share their experience with others through the practices that have been learnt.

For Enquiries and to book please contact Dawn or Lorraine: